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Primary Spine Care Seven Spinal Biomechanical Pathology & Collaborative Management Online

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12 Credit Hours

*CE Credits are issued for Doctors of Chiropractic only

**CME Credits are for Medical Doctors and Doctors of Chiropractic.

***This course is approved for 9 credits in CA until 9/30/23.  As of 10/1/2023 this course will no longer be approved for CE credits in the state of CA.

****This course is approved for 5 credits in NH.

*****This course is approved for 10 credits in TX.

This course was created to help you overcome the dogma of "non-specific back pain,"  and communicate that in a collaborative environment with medical specialists. This teaches spinal biomechanics, which is the key to demonstrative documentation in definitively diagnosing a mechanical lesion. This program also offer statistics and research on the efficacy of chiropractic care for mechanical spine pathology vs. physical therapy and medicine. 

Module 1

Introduction – Introducing the concepts of clinical excellence as a foundation for creating an accurate diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan. How clinical excellence is the new foundation for practice strategy in both the long and short term.

Module 2

Chiropractic Evidence – The latest research-based evidence of how the chiropractic adjustment effects each motor unit and the spine as a single organ. How nociceptors, mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors respond in the role of the central neurological modulation. How the chiropractic adjustment can modulate pain locally as well as systemically.

Module 3

MRI Spine Interpretation. How to triage a trauma and non-trauma patients with advanced imaging and how to document medical necessity with evidence based verbiage. Detailed disc pathology will be reviewed inclusive of herniation, bulge, protrusion, extrusion comminuted and fragmented.  Detailed outlines of MRI image sequencing including slice thickness for all regions of the spine to Dixon Protocols.

Module 4

A literature-based model for collaborating with hospitals, emergency departments, primary care providers and medical specialists. Reviewing the documentation requirements to effectively communicate the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment plan with medical entities and having the evidence as a basis for those recommendations.

Module 5

Chiropractic Evidence – The spine-brain connection in managing chronic pain patients. Understanding how chronic pain negatively effects brain morphology and pathology as short and long term sequella. The role of chiropractic in preventing the loss of gray matter and the decades long evidence as published in indexed peer reviewed literature verifying chiropractic’s role.

Module 6

Describing the role of chiropractic in the national healthcare model based upon the biomechanical model – attendees will learn how to understand the pathobiomechanical basis for care and then how to communicate that to the public and collaborative medical physicians.

Module 7

The neurology of the chiropractic adjustment and vertebral subluxation – Discuss the neurological pathways from the thrust , to the lateral horn to the brain connection along with how the brain actually processes the chiropractic spinal adjustment based upon the indexed literature. Dissecting neuro-bio-mechanical lesions form diagnosis through treatment utilizing biomechanics in a literature-based model.

Course Objective:

Describe the role of chiropractic in the national healthcare model based upon the biomechanical model.

Practice communicating the pathobiomechanical basis for care to public and collaborative medical physicians.



Instructions: Once you purchase the course online, it will be immediately active in your account. If you have any issues, please contact Cara 631-804-2845 or CaraRoss220@Gmail.com

 Troubleshooting Suggestions: 

  1. This course is supported by PC's and Mac devices
  2. Minimum 20mbs download speed
  3. Mobile device are not ideal as tracking is automated and often not mobilized


This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and Cleveland University Kansas City, College of Chiropractic, Post-Graduate Department.

The University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.


The University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences designates this live activity for a maximum of 12.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM.  Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Standards for Commercial Support require that presentations are free of commercial bias and that any information regarding commercial products/services be based on scientific methods generally accepted by the medical community. The following planners and presenter(s) have disclosed financial interest/arrangements or affiliations with organization(s) that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of their presentation(s). Only the current arrangements/interests are included. *Planning Committee

Activity Director and Instructor: Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM  – Nothing to Report

ACCME Standards of Commercial Support of CME require that presentations be free of commercial bias and that any information regarding commercial products/services be based on scientific methods generally accepted by the medical community. When discussing therapeutic options, faculty are requested to use only generic names. If they use a trade name, then those of several companies should be used. If a presentation includes discussion of any unlabeled or investigational use of a commercial product, faculty are required to disclose this to the participants.

ACCME Original Launch Date: September 17, 2021 Termination Date: September 17, 2024

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Plan Name Price
Unlimited: $ 99999


Mark Studin

Courses by this instructor

Name Level Release Date
MRI Spine Interpretation BASICS 2018-01-19 20:07:33
Impairment Rating 2018-02-07 02:09:03
MRI Spine Credentialing 2018-02-09 00:48:34
Personal Injury Bootcamp - Triaging the Trauma and Non Trauma Patient 2018-03-02 21:55:51
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering 2018-03-13 21:33:29
Accident Reconstruction 2018-03-17 17:35:33
Patient Intake 2018-03-18 01:48:47
Utilizing Research In Clinical Practice 2018-03-23 15:06:32
Triaging the Trauma and Non-Trauma Patient 2018-03-23 15:32:17
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/Traumatic Brain Injury Concussion (MTBI) 2018-04-18 02:59:40
Medical-Legal-Insurance Documentation: Colossus of the Courtroom 2018-04-30 19:38:48
Interprofessional Hospital Based Spine Care 2018-05-01 01:48:52
Primary Spine Care 1 2018-05-03 16:15:27
Primary Spine Care 2 - 2018-05-06 00:39:08
Primary Spine Care 05: Biomechanics, Neurology of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment & Documentation in Collaborative Relationships 2018-05-09 21:11:44
Orthopedic Testing 2018-05-11 17:52:40
Spinal Trauma Pathology 2018-05-20 14:55:51
Stroke Anatomy & Evaluation for Chiropractors and Manual Medicine Specialists 2018-05-21 01:37:09
Primary Spine Care Three The Neurology of Chiropractic Care and Ligament Pathology from Trauma 2018-05-21 01:48:25
Testifying: Documentation & Ethical Medical-Legal Relationships - Part 1 2018-05-23 18:07:59
Spinal Disc and Ligaments; Neurology and Pathology 2018-05-24 01:07:45
Primary Spine Care Six Live Seminar 2018-09-06 16:18:08
Primary Spine Care Seven Spinal Biomechanical Pathology & Collaborative Management Webinar 2019-01-31 20:59:47
Forensic Documentation - Testifying Part 2 2019-02-26 01:33:12
Primary Spine Care Seven Spinal Biomechanical Pathology & Collaborative Management Online 2019-03-21 13:45:23
Evaluation and Management 2019-04-24 16:14:33
Electrodiagnostics: Electromyogram/Nerve Conduction Velocity (EMG/NCV) Diagnosis & Interpretation 2019-06-07 17:39:50
Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury 2019-08-21 13:15:47
Primary Spine Care 8: DC vs. PT vs. MD vs. Drugs as 1st Option for Spine 2019-10-19 00:00:00
Primary Spine Care 9 Webinar: Chiropractic as 1st Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard 2020-03-21 00:00:00
Educating the Lawyer Chiropractic-Legal Ethics - Testifying Part 3 2020-03-24 01:23:05
Primary Spine Care 09 Online: Chiropractic as 1st Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard 2020-03-21 00:00:00
Post-Covid PI Practice Strategy with Lawyers and MDs: Where MRI, Colossus and Documentation Fits 2020-05-05 00:00:00
Collision Reconstruction and Biomechanical Engineering 2020-06-09 17:28:39
Ramping Up Your Practice Post-Covid 19 2020-06-18 19:45:16
Case Management: Spinal MRI and Documentation 2020-07-22 14:08:10
Extremity, MRI & X-Ray Interpretation 1999-12-01 20:36:54
Diagnosing Webinar 2020-09-14 20:38:09
Pathobiomechanics And Documentation Webinar 2020-12-04 17:25:00
Primary Spine Care Ten Chiropractic Spine Management Webinar 2020-12-05 00:00:00
Pathobiomechanics And Documentation Online 2020-12-08 00:00:00
Primary Spine Care Ten Chiropractic Spine Management Online 2020-12-08 00:00:00
MRI Spine Clinical Grand Rounds 2021-01-22 20:08:48
Demonstrative Documentation and Reporting of Spinal Pathology Webinar 2021-04-07 15:48:18
Mini Fellowship in MRI, X-Ray and CAT Scan Imaging of Extremities 2021-04-19 17:38:23
Spinal Pathology and Documentation Webinar 2021-05-10 14:20:30
Spinal Pathology and Documentation Online 2021-05-14 19:33:11
Primary Spine Care Eleven Coding, Documentation, MRI and Digitizing Online 2021-05-17 13:27:42
Mini Fellowship in Neuroradiology MRI Spine 2021-06-28 12:59:24
Documentation Made Easy (Online) 2021-10-18 18:47:21
Primary Spine Care Twelve Case Management & Documentation Webinar 2021-11-15 00:00:00
Primary Spine Care Twelve Case Management & Documentation Online 2021-12-08 17:30:01
Diagnosing (Online) 2021-12-14 14:35:26
Demo Course 2021-12-22 17:07:42
Documenting Clinical Findings and Diagnosis Free Webinar 2022-03-03 10:46:00
Testifying 4: Creating Ethical Financial Relationships 2022-07-05 19:22:15
Documenting Clinical Findings and Diagnosing Online 2022-07-06 14:31:48
MRI Spine Credentialing - Suny B Fellowship Requirment 2022-07-14 16:10:45
Spinal Biomechanical Engineering - Suny B Fellowship Course 2022-07-14 16:25:31
Orthopedic Testing - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-07-14 16:48:20
Impairment Rating - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-07-14 17:15:28
Spinal Trauma Pathology - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-07-14 17:43:05
Stroke - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-07-14 18:05:42
Evaluation and Managment - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 13:46:00
Electrodiagnostics - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 13:54:33
Concussion - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 14:05:51
Spinal Disc and Ligaments - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 15:29:20
Extremity, MRI & X-Ray Interpretation - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 15:38:14
MRI Spine Clinical Grand Rounds - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 15:44:48
Case Management, Spinal MRI and Documentation - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-24 18:29:36
Interprofessional Hospital Based Spine Care - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-24 19:22:09
Colossus of the Courtroom - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-24 19:29:15
Primary Spine Care Five Biomechanics, Neurology of the Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment & Documentation in Collaborative Relationships - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 15:44:09
Primary Spine Care Ten Chiropractic Spine Management Online - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 16:22:26
MRI Spine Interpretation BASICS - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 16:33:16
Primary Spine Care Twelve Case Management & Documentation Online - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 17:00:24
Personal Injury Bootcamp - Triaging the Trauma and Non Trauma Patient - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 17:10:33
Diagnosing (Online) - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 17:16:31
Documentation Made Easy (Online) - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 17:21:39
Pathobiomechanics And Documentation Online - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 17:28:14
Imaging, Case and Strain/Sprain Reporting Free Webinar 2022-10-11 19:33:00
Coding and Care Plan from Acute through Rehabilitation Free Webinar 2023-01-26 01:00:00
Documentation in a Medical-Legal Case: The Foundation of Documentation Week 1 2023-03-09 18:06:54
Imaging, Case and Strain, Sprain Reporting Online 2023-04-10 18:53:06
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Reimbursement Guidelines and Documentation Online Course 2023-04-21 20:40:34
Primary Spine Care Fourteen: Case Management and Documentation Online 2023-05-08 18:19:06
MRI Comprehensive Clinical Grand Rounds 2023-09-12 17:29:44
Triage and Compliance: Documentation and Diagnosing Online 2023-09-24 22:35:37
Primary Spine Care Fifteen Ethics, Streamlining Documentation & Case Management Webinar 2023-11-12 16:12:00
California Couse: DC vs PT Outcomes, Chiropractic Physiology, MRI Basics & Making Documentation Easy 2023-10-30 12:45:19
Primary Spine Care Fifteen Ethics, Streamlining Documentation & Case Management Online 2023-11-14 18:26:27
Advanced MRI Spine Interpretation Mini-Fellowship 2024-02-06 14:32:34
Required Elements for 100 Percent Reimbursement Online Course 2024-04-16 15:46:17
Templates and Shortcuts in Diagnosing and Documentation for all EHR and Paper Systems Free Webinar 2024-05-15 15:32:00
Templates and Shortcuts in Diagnosing and Documentation for all EHR and Paper Systems Online 2024-05-17 18:35:10
Primary Spine Care Seven Spinal Biomechanical Pathology & Collaborative Management Online - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 16:09:09
Case Management, Documentation & Diagnosis Online 2023-07-26 13:03:00
Coding and Care Plan From Acute through Rehabilitation Online 2023-09-19 14:36:15
Primary Spine Care Thirteen Documentation, Diagnosis & Management Webinar 2022-11-04 16:33:00
Coordination of Care, Documentation, Diagnosis Online 2022-09-13 13:15:38
Primary Spine Care Fourteen Case Management and Documentation Webinar 2023-05-07 18:44:00
Primary Spine Care Eleven Coding, Documentation, MRI and Digitizing Webinar 2021-05-11 17:14:25
Primary Spine Care Eleven Coding, Documentation, MRI and Digitizing Online - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 16:40:18
Mini-Fellowship in Neuroradiology - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 15:54:47
Primary Spine Care Thirteen Documentation, Diagnosis and Management Online 2022-09-16 17:27:48
Mini Fellowship in MRI, X-Ray and CAT Scan Imaging of Extremities - Suny Buffalo Course 2022-08-16 20:54:02
Case Management, Documentation & Diagnosis Free Webinar 2022-05-12 20:32:52
Primary Spine Care Nine Online: Chiropractic as 1st Option for Spine, A Literature-Based Standard - SUNY Buffalo Course 2022-08-26 16:12:40
Documentation Made Easy Live Webinar 2021-10-08 16:52:10
Post-Coronavirus PI Practice Strategy with Lawyers and MDs: Where MRI, Colossus and Documentation Fits 2020-05-05 00:00:00
Fellowship Final Exam Course 2022-09-09 12:59:33
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