Course Name:
Spinal Pathology and Documentation Online

Chiropractic CE: 8 Hours
Medical CME: 8 Hours


8 Credit Hours

*CE Credits are for Doctors of Chiropractic.

**CME Credits are for Medical Doctors and Doctors of Chiropractic

****Please Note: This course is only approved for 6 CA.

*****Please Note: This course is only approved for 8 PA.

This program is focused on spinal pathology and documentation. It covers how to diagnose and document spinal pathology. This program also explains the demonstrative necessity for chiropractic care and identifying anatomical vs. mechanical lesions of the spine.

Module 1 – 2 Hours

Patricia Roche DO, Radiology, Neuroradiology

Mark Studin DC

MRI Spine Case Review

Clinical case review of MRI’s including sagittal, axial, T1, T2, STIR, and proton density sequences. Identified will be the vertebrate, spinal cord, discs, nerve roots, thecal sac, posterior longitudinal ligament, epidural veins, and fat saturation pulses. Pathology will include bulges, herniations, protrusions, extrusions, myelomalacia, cord edema, and schmorl’s nodes.

Module 2 – 2 Hours

Mark Studin DC

Dan Rosner ESQ

Using Documentation to Create Ethical Relationships:

Creating documentation that is demonstrable in design to show pathology visually. How to have ethical relationships with the medical-legal community through complete documentation and maintain autonomy while testifying, if required. How to prepare records in a medical-legal case in preparation for deposition and/or trial and what to expect in the process.

Module 3 – 2 Hours

Mark Studin  DC

Coding Changes and Requirements in E&M

Coding requirements in 99202-99203-99204-99205 and 99212-99213-99214-99215 and the new 2021 changes. What elements are required for each and how to document the time component in conjunction with evaluated body parts. Clinically correlating a patient’s history, vitals, muscular, neurological, motor, and sensory evaluations with correct coding based upon the ICD-10 nomenclature.

Module 4 – 2 Hours

Mark Studin  DC

Don Capoferri DC

Clinical Grand Rounds:

Case reviews utilizing E/M, MRI, and x-ray mensuration to conclude an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan will be presented. The focus will be on common diagnosis require interprofessional collaboration with a discussion of diagnostic dilemmas and proper communication methods.  Interprofessional communication methods will include clinical documentation, triage, referral protocols, and phone consultations. 

Total Education Time 8 Hours

Fee: $299.00

Course Objective: To understand the physiology of connective tissue pathology

InstructorMark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, 

Patricia Roche DO, Radiology, Neuroradiology

Dan Rosner ESQ

Don Capoferri DC, FSBT

Instructions: Once you purchase the course online, it will be immediately active in your account. If you have any issues, please contact Cara 631-804-2845 or

 Troubleshooting Suggestions: 

  1. This course is supported by PC's and Mac devices
  2. Minimum 20mbs download speed
  3. Mobile device are not ideal as tracking is automated and often not mobilized

Price: $299.00Buy Now!