Course Name:
Patient Intake

Chiropractic CE: 2 Hours
Medical CME: 2 Hours


2 Credit Hours

*CE Credits are for Doctors of Chiropractic.

**Please note this course will no longer be approved in the state of CA as of 7/1/12023.

This course is a tutorial that is applicable for every patient; trauma, chronic and acute or sub-acute and covers the Evaluation and Management (E&M) process. It is the culmination of a 3 year project that involved multiple chiropractors, a neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, physical medicine specialist and a primary care physician to ensure compliance with the requirements for a "2-5" level evaluation and re-evaluation as clinically indicated.

This course will provide you with the understanding of what needs to be done and why and gives you the tools to prevent "omissions" in completing your documentation.

Course Objective: To learn how to better analyze a patient's narrative on their past and current histories to help structure a plan that best focuses the clinical and testing portion of care, then being able to triage accordingly.


Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM, Chiropractor

Troubleshooting Suggestions: 

  1. This course is supported by PC's and Mac devices
  2. Minimum 20mbs download speed
  3. Mobile device are not ideal as tracking is automated and often not mobilized

This course is Pace approved by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.

Price: $75.00Buy Now!