Course Name:
Triage and Compliance: Documentation and Diagnosing Online

Chiropractic CE: 3 Hours
Medical CME: 3 Hours

Triage and Compliance: Documentation and Diagnosing Online Syllabus

3 Credit Hours

Description: This course is designed to triage your case from the first visit, creating an accurate diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment plan. It then takes triage to the next level to help determine when to order testing and the necessity for collaboration. It covers the elements required in all E&M reports.

Module 1 - 1 Hour: Concluding an accurate diagnosis based on a clinical evaluation and ordering tests.

Module 2 - 1 Hour: Documentation and diagnosing neuro-muscular spinal anatomical and biomechanical pathologies.

Module 3 - 1 Hour: Triage and treatment pathways for spinal anatomical and biomechanical pathologies.


Mark Studin DC

Don Capoferri DC

Goals: For the contemporary practitioner to be able to do a clinical evaluation and triage for advanced diagnosing and collaborative care as necessary.

Price: $99.00Buy Now!