Course Name:
Testifying 4: Creating Ethical Financial Relationships
Chiropractic CE: 10 Hours
Medical CME: 10 Hours
10 “Online” Hours
* CE Credits are for Doctors of Chiropractic only
Topic: Practice Management
Pre-Test 30 Minutes
Module 1 – Introduction, Documentation Standards and Patient Documentation – 90 Minutes
This module is an introduction to ethical financial relationship with lawyers and the documentation needed from the provider to define the relationship. Assignments, release of records, right to receive information, explaining statue of limitations and document exchange are detailed.
Module 2 – Legality of Assignments– 90 Minutes
This module details the assignment of rights and benefits. What that means in a contemporary clinical practice and how to ensure you have the legal authority to bill and collect based on necessary documentation.
Module 3 – Ethical Medical-Legal Financial Relationships, Part 1 – 90 Minutes
This module discusses in detail what an ethical relationship is for the doctor and attorney. It describes the differences in ethics for a lawyer and doctor and what constitutes a licensure violation in both practices. It also details how to ensure your documentation supports ethical relationships.
Module 4 – Ethical Financial Relationships, Part 2 – 90 Minutes
This section discusses how to manage cases where lawyers are unethical and understanding the Rules of Professional Conduct mandated for lawyers nationally. It helps you creates business systems to manage these types for cases and work within the framework of the laws in each state to ensure compliance.
Module 5 – The Documentation Required to Ensure a Reasonable Conclusion to a Case with an Attorney– 90 Minutes
This module is a continuation of the “Rules of Professional Conduct” mandated by license for lawyers and further defines documentation required for a doctor to use with cases involving lawyers. It also details the necessary documentation needed for a doctor to provide in detailing injuries to patients in an evaluation and management encounter and a final narrative for the courts.
Review of PowerPoint slides for each module: 60 minutes
Post Test – 60 Minutes
Total Hours: 10
Mark Studin DC, FASBE(C), DAAPM
Daniel Rosner Esq, Certified Civil Trial Attorney
Instructions: Once you purchase the course online, it will be immediately active in your account. If you have any issues, please contact Cara 631-804-2845 or
Troubleshooting Suggestions:
- This course is supported by PC's and Mac devices
- Minimum 20mbs download speed
- Mobile device are not ideal as tracking is automated and often not mobilized
This course is Pace approved by the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards.